Kings Mountain, North Carolina

Individual Investment Properties
Multi-Million Dollar Portfolios
We Develop Our Own Investment Properties


Charlotte Metropolitan Area, NC


Find out about the demographics, economic data, growth stats for Charlotte City & this neighborhood here and here

Did you know that Charlotte Ranked 31st Most Honest Cities in The World and 7th Most Honest in America?


A rendering of the proposed Kings Mountain casino from Rob Schaeffer Visualization and Planning. [Courtesy of TGS Engineers]

A rendering of the proposed Kings Mountain casino from Rob Schaeffer Visualization and Planning. All credit goes to TGS Engineers (and Shelby Star).

The full scope of the project is expected to create 4,000 jobs and 1,500 hotel rooms. 

Video & Drone Footage

Available soon. In the meantime view this drone footage of another one of our neighborhoods not far from this one Go HERE


We help our US Buyers with their Fannie Mae loans and offer loan help for Intl Buyers.
We guarantee to place the first tenant in the property in a 1-2 yr lease within 30 – 90 days of close.
We engage only the most professional property managers at discounted rates to manage your property and tenant.

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT: Find out more about our Property Managers: read more here

BANK LOANS/LEVERAGE: Follow this link to see how your investment returns can more than double simply by using the bank’s money read more here

STATED ROIs – Important

Whilst the stated ROIs are believed to be true and correct, Investors should nevertheless do their own research to verify net income to satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of the stated ROIs.
The true return on investment capital is the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) NOT the Cash ROI as many investors believe. Follow this link to see how IRRs are calculated and differ significantly from Cash ROIs . Read more here and also take note of the exclusions from the ROI calculations.