*Those are not the actual homes. It is a similar representation of what is to be built.
3 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
1548 sqft
2 Parking
Purchase Price:
Year Built:
Cap Rate:
Annualized ROI
4 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
1914 sqft
2 Parking
Purchase Price:
Year Built:
Cap Rate:
Annualized ROI
3 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
1548 sqft
2 Parking
Purchase Price:
Year Built:
Cap Rate:
Annualized ROI
SFR 1914 sq ft (approx), 4 bed, 2 bathroom with double garage, granite bench tops, stainless appliances, microwave, range, stucco on block exterior, tiles floors throughout heated living areas.
Englewood, Charlotte County FL
Find proforma for Englewood here
Find out about the demographics, economic data, growth stats for SW Florida read more
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Whilst the stated ROIs are believed to be true and correct, Investors should nevertheless do their own research to verify net income to satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of the stated ROIs.
The true return on investment capital is the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) NOT the Cash ROI as many investors believe. Follow this link to see how IRRs are calculated and differ significantly from Cash ROIs . Read more here and also take note of the exclusions from the ROI calculations.
“The trend of in-migration is being exacerbated by COVID-19, certainly, and by the increased buying power many residents especially from the Northeast feel they have in our market and because of the low interest rate environment,” Thibaut says.
To a lesser extent, as well, many apartment dwellers in the region are moving out of their quarters and into single-family homes.
To meet the demand, national and regional builders have stepped up their land acquisitions in the past few months.
“Developers now are buying what they can to meet the demand from consumers as good sites seemingly shrink.”
Courtesy: floridasbdc.org